Why Is My Liquid/Cured Material Different In Colour Than My Last Order?
Rubber materials, especially Polyurethanes, can vary in shades due to quite a few factors. This is very normal! If the product is used within its suggested shelf life, it is expected to cure and behave as it usually does. The only difference being the colour.
We cannot guarantee that the rubber or plastic you receive will be the exact same colour every time. Colour of these types of products can change from batch to batch and can vary from light to dark.
Whether light or dark, colour has no effect on functionality or the performance of the cured material. Physical and performance properties will be the same from batch to batch and you can use the material with confidence.
Urethane rubbers and plastics are not UV resistant and the cured material will darken in proportion to exposure to Ultra Violet light.
Cured samples from different batches of EasyFlo Clear (a polyurethane plastic):
TIP: You can add a UV additive to delay the onset of damage from UV, but it will not prevent it. The only way to prevent UV damage is to cover or paint the part.
Original Source: Polytek Development Corp.